Delta Plast has advanced production equipment:
- Extruders with diameters of Ø120, 90.60
- Printers in 4 colors
- Welding machines with photocell

Sectoral Operational Program "The Growth of Economic Competiveness"
cofinanced by theEuropean Fund for Regional Development
"Investments for your future"
The completion of the implementation of the project "The re-technology of SC DELTA PLAST HOLDING SRL in order to increase the company's competitiveness and gain new market shares"
SC DELTA PLAST HOLDING SRL, with headquarters in Piteşti, no. 27A Depozitelor St., announces the completion of the implementation of the project "The re-technology of SC DELTA PLAST HOLDING SRL in order to increase the company's competitiveness and gain new market shares", co-financed through the European Found for Regional Development, based on the financing contract no. 4m/400406/1 / 06.11.2013.
The project is financed through the Sectoral Operational Program "The Growth of Economic Competiveness", Prioritary Axis 1. An innovative and eco-efficient production system, Major Intervension Domain 1.1. - Productive investments and the preparison for market competitiveness especially for SME, Operation a) Supprot for the consolidation and modernization of the prodcutive sector through tangible and intangible investments.
Management Authority: The Ministry of European Funda
Intermediate Organism: South Muntenia Regional Development Agency
Total value of the project is 2.327.162,06 lei, from which the grant is 1.062.063,45 lei.
The project was implemented in Pitesti, on a period of 7 months.
The main objective of the project was the aquisition of machines and know-how in order to modernize the company and to increase its comeptitiveness.
Achieved resulta:
- the aquisition of a 6 color printer and the related know-how
- the aquisition of an extruder and the related know-how
- the certification according to ISO 14001 Standard (Environment Management)
- the hiring of 6 people
Extra details you can get from:
IOANA Maria Ruxandra, Legal Representative of the Project
Tel: 0248 219 278; Fax: 0248 219 970; Mobile: 0744.338.554; e-mail:
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